Higher education boosts monthly earnings, says staff body

The Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland has reminded young people that education truly pays off amid its concerns that the ongoing debate over unemployment has blurred public perceptions of reality, writes Aleksi Teivainen for the Helsinki Times.
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“Fewer than 7% of people with a postgraduate degree are unemployed, whereas 12.5% of the entire labour force are unemployed. Educated people are considerably more unlikely to experience even a short period of unemployment than they are to be employed for the whole duration of their career,” Ida Mielityinen, an expert at the Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff or AKAVA, points out in a press release.

“The monthly earnings of people with a higher education degree (including undergraduate degrees) are €1,100 (US$1,240) higher than those of the average wage earner,” it states, quoting data on the structure of earnings released by Statistics Finland in 2014.
Full report on the Helsinki Times site 

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